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419-259-9400 HCVP 419-246-3183

Trump Proposed 6.2 Billion HUD Budget Cuts Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority Budget by 3.2 Mil

For more information:
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
Martin H. LaMar
President, Chief Executive Officer

(March 31, 2017) - President Donald Trump's proposed budget for the 2018 fiscal year which would include a $6.2 billion cut to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would severely impact Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority's budget by $3.2 million.

The overall proposed change in spending from federal departments impacts HUD with proposed budget cuts of 13-15.5% or $6.2 - $7.5 billion reduction.

As outlined in the "America First - A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again", by the Office of Management and Budget, these budget adjustments will directly decrease spending for the Community Development Block Grant program (-$3 billion); decrease HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Choice Neighborhood and the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program (- $1.1 billion); increase Lead-based paint and other hazards spending (+$20 million); and eliminate funding for Section 4 Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing (-$35 million). The report also indicates that HUD will continue to support homeownership through provisions of Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance programs.

Within the housing market, independent agencies that will be completely defunded include Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp., (NeighborWorks America). In 2016 the agency awarded $40 million to 21 state housing finance agencies, 19 HUD-approved housing counseling intermediaries and 60 community-based NeighborWorks organizations to provide counseling to families and individuals who are working with their servicer to avoid foreclosure. In 2013, its foreclosure program rescued 1.6 million homeowners from losing their home.

LMHA serves over 17,000 individuals through HUD-funded programs and services throughout Northwest Ohio and Michigan.

For more information, contact Martin H. LaMar, President and Chief Executive Officer of LMHA, at 419-259-9400 or via email.

The Mission of The Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority:
Housing is vital to our past, present and future! We create quality, housing opportunities and build communities through collaborative partnerships. While stimulating economic growth, we empower individuals and develop the neighborhoods of tomorrow for the people of today.

The Vision of Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority:
We envision a society that delivers on the promise of a quality life our veterans fought for, our seniors saved for, our young parents work for, and our children will remember us for.