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419-259-9400 HCVP 419-246-3183

Notice of Public Hearing and Comment Period for 2022-26 Capital Fund 5-Year Action Plan

Notice of Public Hearing

Lucas Metropolitan Housing (LMH) is preparing to submit its 2022-26 Capital Fund 5-Year Action Plan to HUD. Review the plan at You may submit comments during the next 45 days to [email protected].

You are invited to a public hearing on May 3, 2022, at 8:30 am, at the Port Lawrence Community Room, 201 Belmont Ave., Toledo, OH 43604. Attendees will be provided information about LMH's Plan. You are encouraged to attend this public hearing and provide comments.

Should attendees require auxiliary aids due to a disability, contact LMH at 419-259-9457 or TRS 711, at least one week prior to hearing date. If you require language assistance services, contact LMH at 419-259-9459, at least one week prior to hearing date.

如果您需要语言协助服务,请至少在听证会日期前一周致电 419-259-9459,与 LMH 取得联系。

Si necesita servicios de asistencia del idioma, comuníquese con LMH al 419-259-9459, al menos una semana antes de la fecha de la audiencia.

إذا كنت بحاجة لمساعدة في خدمة الترجمة، عليك الاتصال بـ LMH على الرقم 9459 - 259 (419)، قبل أسبوع واحد على الأقل من موعد الجلسة .


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Hugh W. Grefe, Chairman

Joaquin Cintron Vega, President & Chief Executive Officer