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419-259-9400 HCVP 419-246-3183

FAQ Corner

Q. Do I need an appointment to see my housing specialist?
A. Yes. To ensure the health and safety of our clients and staff starting September 20, 2021, the Housing Choice Voucher Program will require appointments only to meet with staff. 

Please contact your specialist directly, or customer service at or (419) 246-3183.

Q. What Do I Bring when I have a change of income?
A. Bring the verification from the agency or company that is sending you the income.  For example, employment income can be verified by providing two (2) consecutive pay stubs. Social Security benefits or cash assistance from Jobs and Family Services can be verified via a benefit letter or printout of the income received.  

Q. What does family income mean?
A. Family income means any and all income received within the household. Income which is received from the head of household, a spouse or each family member living in the house who is at least 18 years of age.

Q. Who is responsible to report family income?
A. You are. If the income has changed that either you, your spouse, another adult within your household or your child who lives with you and is 18 years of age receives, it is the responsibility of the head of household to make sure the person who has the change reports it to their Housing Specialist.

Q. Isn't it enough to report my income just once per year?
A. Definitely not! Whenever there is any kind of change in the income, which is different from what has been reported last, it must be reported in person immediately, not over the phone or by mail.

As long as you report the change in your household within 10 days of the change you will not be in jeopardy of accumulating a debt with LMH.

Q. What does over-income mean?
A. If your income exceeds the very low-income guidelines you are considered over-income. 

Q. What if my income exceeds the limit? Am I removed from the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
A. Not necessarily. If at any time it is discovered that you are over-income, your housing choice voucher will be held for you for a 6-month period. During the time period that you are over-income, you will be responsible to pay the rent in full directly to the landlord and comply with all other HCVP requirements.

If your income does not fall below the income limit after this 6-month period, your housing choice voucher will be terminated automatically whereas you will be removed from the HCVP. It is up to you to report if this occurs. But, if during the 6 months you vacate the unit where you were receiving the HCVP subsidy, your housing choice voucher will be terminated.

Q. Can I move from my unit at any time?
A. You must assure that you are not breaking a contract with your current landlord. You are committed to reside in a unit for a minimum of one year. After the 1 year expires, you are free to move under the following conditions:

  1. There is no debt owed LMH
  2. There is no debt owed to your current landlord

  3. There are no pending program violations

  4. You must first be issued a voucher by LMH to move with continued assistance

  5. You must give proper thirty (30) day notice to your landlord and LMH of your intent to move

If you would like to request a voucher to move, please complete the Intent to Vacate notice and return to either the Housing Choice Voucher Program office or our Customer Service department at

Intent to Vacate notice